Material de referencia en inglés
- This site, a part of, helps users improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms. Search results can be filtered by relevance, word length, and complexity.
- Type IPA phonetic symbols for English
- This page within the website TypeIt allows users to easily type phonetic transcriptions of English words in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). You can edit your text in the box provided and then copy it to your document, e-mail message, etc. The site also offers a full set of IPA phonetic symbols for all languages.
- UEfAP — Using English for Academic Purposes
- This site is a useful guide to the use of English for academic purposes for students in higher education. It contains guidelines on punctuation, reading and vocabulary choices, as well as other valuable information about academic writing.
- Urban Dictionary
- This is a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases that are not usually found in standard dictionaries. Users with either a Facebook or Gmail account can make a submission to the dictionary, and all entries are reviewed and rated by volunteer editors and site visitors.
- This is a general English language site, specialising in ESL (English as a Second Language) with a wide range of resources for learners and teachers of English — forums, quizzes and useful advice on teaching, as well as a wide range of articles about punctuation, spelling and other aspects of the language. The site uses different varieties of English — there are contributors from the United States, Canada, Pakistan and non-native speakers, but much of the site uses British English as it was set up in the UK.
- Visual Dictionary Online
- This is an interactive dictionary with an innovative approach — from the image to the word and its definition, it is an all-in-one reference. You can search the themes to quickly locate words, or find the meaning of a word by viewing the image it represents. The dictionary helps users learn English in a visual and accessible way and it is a valuable tool for teachers, parents, translators and students of all skill levels.
- This site provides an easy and intelligent way to improve vocabulary by combining an adaptive learning system with a very fast dictionary so that users can learn words quickly and efficiently.
- Word in Context
- This website provides users with a long list of examples of a certain word in its different contexts. The examples are extracted from a variety of books and there is a link under each quotation for users to download the books if they please.
- This site offers a series of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries with lots of examples, as well as synonyms, idioms, and sayings. It also hosts language forums, a repository of knowledge and advice about English and a number of other languages.
- YourDictionary
- This site hosts a dictionary with simple, easy-to-understand definitions and different tools to help users choose their words precisely. This is a comprehensive reference site with synonyms, sentence examples, quotes, biographies, and a collection of grammar-related articles and education resources for both students and teachers, as well as a Spanish-English dictionary.